Bird Barrier Blog

Do It Yourself Bird Control: Not as Hard as You Think!

Written by Bird Barrier | Dec 21, 2020 4:30:00 PM

Whether you're a homeowner, business owner, facility manager, or public works official, you likely spend quite a bit of time walking the line between the sort of 'do it yourself' solutions that will keep down costs and the 'better hire a professional' jobs that land just beyond your skillset. Sometimes it's hard to know which tasks you should handle yourself and which ones you should pass off to the pros. If you've been struggling with bird control issues, however, know that DIY methods are perfectly achievable. Do it yourself bird control is not as hard as you might think!  

Common Bird Control Problems

For homes, small business, large corporations, and industrial facilities alike, some common bird control problems include the following:


Bird droppings aren't just unsightly. They're also damaging. When birds congregate on rooftops, signage, and ledges, the accumulated effects of their acidic droppings can lead to corrosion.


Like all other excrement, bird droppings carry harmful parasites, bacteria, and diseases. Keeping birds from congregating in areas where people come and go will help maintain a more healthy and safe environment for everyone.


Birds nest in drainage, ventilation systems, guttering, and the like. The resulting blockages can lead to anything from standing water to complete system breakdowns. Creating inhospitable environments for rooftop nesting is key to overcoming this problem.


Bird control issues can lead to many types of overt property damage, including (but not limited to) the following:

  • Collapsed ceilings
  • Fires
  • Mechanical breakdowns
  • Failed HVAC systems
  • Corroded rooftops
  • Broken window seals

The issues listed here are just the tip of the iceberg, and fighting a losing battle against pesky birds can be an expensive one.

Take, for example, the yearly property damage historical buildings may suffer from pigeons alone. According to building conservation experts, pigeons can cost tens of thousands of dollars in damage:

“In London, damage caused by pigeon droppings to monuments in Trafalgar Square is well documented and there have been a number of reports and scientific papers on the problem. EC Harris...suggested that there is a definite health risk in there being such a large population of pigeons concentrated in this location, and the damage to paving and statuary is considerable both in terms of the problem it causes and in the cost of its removal. The Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission...calculated that the annual cost for cleaning statuary was £14,000 and the annual cost for cleaning paving was £91,000.”

Fortunately, situations such as these are preventable. Do it yourself bird control solutions are available for private, commercial, and public properties alike. Better still, they're offered at affordable rates and only require quick and easy installation processes.  

3 DIY Bird Control Solutions for the Home

Common issues for the home include birds nesting in small nooks and crannies, birds congregating in trees on the property, and woodpeckers drumming and drilling on the house. Here are three related do it yourself bird control solutions. 

  1. BirdSlide: To keep birds from sheltering and nesting in protected nooks, consider the BirdSlide. When properly installed along edges and eaves, it will prevent birds from being able to grip and settle. Instead, they will slide away, permanently deterred from nesting.
  2. Tree-Shock: With its aesthetically-pleasing appearance, the Tree-Shock provides a low-voltage deterrent that will train birds not to loiter in your trees, with the added bonus that it will not visually shock your friends and neighbors. The Tree-Shock also deters other types of small animals and pests.
  3. Optical Gel: To prevent woodpeckers from drilling against your wood or stucco walls, apply Optical Gel. This multi-sensory repellent deters birds through a combination of sight, smell, and touch. It's made from all green ingredients like citronella, peppermint oil, agar, and beeswax. This makes it a safe and sustainable way to keep your home protected from woodpecker damage. 

But homes aren't the only properties in need of some bird control solutions. 

3 DIY Bird Control Solutions for Commercial Properties

Just like homes and private properties, commercial buildings and public facilities face unique issues when it comes to bird control. Fortunately, they also have their own unique do it yourself bird control solutions. 

  1. Bird-Flite Bird Spikes: To keep birds from congregating on your large sign letters (not to mention nesting in some of their smaller nooks and crannies!), be sure to consider Bird-Flite Bird Spikes. These stainless steel spikes have a polycarbonate base, come in 1-foot sections, and are available in three different widths. No matter the size or dimensions of your sign letters, we have a set of spikes that could help.
  2. Daddi Long Legs: With a design mimicking the spider species from which it derives its name, the Daddi Long Legs is especially effective in keeping birds from landing on street lights and external air conditioning units. One simple and easy installation could protect these elements from damage for years to come. 
  3. Solar Panel Kits: As the name indicates, each Solar Panel Kit is designed to help protect your clean energy investment from damage by keeping pesky birds from getting under your solar panel array. Best of all, these products are affixed by unique, patent-pending plastic clips. These clips are UV-stable and won't scratch or damage your panels when installed.

These are just a few of the fabulous bird control solutions we offer for commercial properties. 

Once and Done

One of the best aspects of our do it yourself bird control solutions is that the vast majority of them, once installed, require little to no routine maintenance. These once-and-done processes may require that you invest a bit of time, money, and attention now. However, with the long-term savings that will result over time, you'll more than make up those costs on the back end. 

With bird damage leading to millions of dollars in losses every year, there's never been a better time to get serious about protecting your homes and properties. 

We Can Help

Here at Bird Barrier, we provide serious solutions to pesky bird problems. To hear more about our do it yourself bird control solutions or to check out the rest of our premium products, please contact us at any time! We look forward to serving you. 

About Bird Barrier

Bird Barrier is a leader in innovative technology designed to prevent birds from landing, roosting or nesting. We specialize in urban bird control to remove birds humanely and effectively. Our website,, hosts a wealth of content to help people understand and identify bird control solutions for various problems with pest birds. Please contact us if you need help with a bird related problem. You may also benefit from our free guide, Bird Deterrents: The Complete Guide.