Bird Barrier Blog

Update Your Pest Control Team With Bird Control Training Classes

Written by Bird Barrier | Mar 22, 2021 3:30:00 PM

No matter where you're located, your pest control company provides a valuable service to the residents and business owners who depend on you. Keeping your team up-to-date on the latest procedures, techniques, and concerns regarding pests is an important part of the benefits your company has to offer. The pest control industry is always growing and changing. As regulations and public opinions change about methods of pest control, it's essential for your company to make updates to meet these changing needs. The use of outdated or inhumane pest control methods will send your customers to another company. It could also result in legal penalties.

For many pest control companies, bird control is an essential component of your service line. If you haven't included bird control in your pest control business, you may find your customers increasingly interested in the addition of these services. According to a Fortune Business Insights report, the bird control industry is growing. As more business owners and consumers learn about the threat of birds to crops, the potential dangers to buildings, and disease transmission through fecal matter, demand for successful solutions is rising. Up-to-date, humane, and effective bird control solutions are a necessity in both urban and rural areas. The proper training will put your company in a position to solve these issues for your current customers. You can also bring new customers to your door.

Why Bird Control Is Always Evolving

If members of your pest control team received bird control training classes and certification, you may be wondering why you should pursue any additional training. After all, your team provides excellent services, and your customers are thrilled with the results. Still, birds are intelligent creatures. They're also widely protected by wildlife regulations. Therefore, updated knowledge in the industry is vital to the success of your operation.

Many types of pests that infest residential and commercial properties have unchanging habits and standard solutions. But birds are highly adaptive creatures that include a variety of species with different needs and control methods. Additionally, the federal, state, and local regulations that protect birds and people from the potential dangers of poor pest control practices change frequently. Ongoing training provides your team with an easy way to keep up with the changes that occur in the industry.

5 Ways to Keep Your Pest Control Team Up-to-Date With Bird Control Training Classes

Becoming a certified bird control specialist is a great way to help your customers and build your business. However, it's common to discover new challenges that require additional training. Keeping your team updated will mean you're always ready to offer the best solutions for various bird control issues. Consider these ways to keep your bird control team updated with additional bird control training classes:

1. Changing Birds

For bird watchers, a wide variety of species improves the joy of nature. But when pest birds decide to make homes or businesses their new habitat, that same tendency toward variety makes bird control a unique challenge for experts. Say your team is familiar with control methods for gulls and sparrows. Then they’re suddenly faced with a customer who has issues with sparrows and starlings. Targeted species bird control training classes can provide a simple answer. Different bird species have different habits, sizes, and weights. This can mean you need very different bird control tools and methods.

2. Changing Regulations

Bird species are protected against many methods traditional to pest control. Most pest control specialists are aware that non-lethal means of control are necessary. But did you know it can be against the law to relocate birds? The Migratory Bird Treaty Act prohibits the take (including killing, capturing, selling, trading, and transport) of protected migratory bird species without prior authorization by the Department of Interior U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Ongoing training can help you keep up with changing regulations and the methods of control you're permitted to use. This can be priceless when it comes to indoor bird control and outdoor eating situations.

3. New Knowledge About Birds

No matter how much knowledge scientists, scholars, and experts gain, there will always be more to learn. New knowledge about human contracted diseases from bird fecal matter leads to new processes in cleanup and sanitation methods during bird control projects. For bird control methods to be effective, it's essential to remove waste from the area. Specific bird control training classes are designed to understand the procedures and equipment used for safe cleanup.

4. Updated Procedures and Products for Easier, More Effective Bird Control

Believe it or not, the growing knowledge about birds can actually make your job easier. As we learn more about bird species and potential danger, technology assists us in finding new solutions to every kind of problem. Birds can fly, making it difficult for professionals to access all the areas they infest. Ongoing training can offer new ideas about access equipment that allows you to safely target problem areas. You can also learn about new products that achieve amazing results, like optical gel.

5. Updated Training for a Successful Bird Control Business

While your business provides valuable solutions to your customers' problems, it's still a business. So you have to run it like a business to succeed. As your knowledge about bird control grows, you can also take additional classes to learn more about the best methods to run a successful bird control business. Classes about estimating bird control projects and selling products can help prepare you for the business demands of a job before you arrive at the site. Bird Barrier even offers a class to help you learn how to build a website or optimize your existing website.

Staying current on regulations, technology, and the changing nature of bird control is essential if you hope to succeed in the business. Advanced knowledge will display your professionalism to your customers and keep you one step ahead of the competition. To learn more about beginning bird control classes and ongoing training to keep your team updated with industry-best products and procedures, get in touch with our bird control experts today. We offer a variety of in-person and online learning opportunities for teams of all sizes.

About Bird Barrier

Bird Barrier is a leader in innovative technology designed to prevent birds from landing, roosting or nesting. We specialize in urban bird control to remove birds humanely and effectively. Our website,, hosts a wealth of content to help people understand and identify bird control solutions for various problems with pest birds. Please contact us if you need help with a bird related problem. You may also benefit from our free guide, Bird Deterrents: The Complete Guide.