Birds are a joy to watch during the spring and summer months while they busily flit about building nests in anticipation of their young. Unfortunately, these determined creatures don't always make the best choices when it comes to the location of their messy new homes. While having birds in appealing areas in parks or near your home is an enjoyable experience, birds that nest in inconvenient locations are a hassle and can even be dangerous. Learning how to stop birds from building a nest will help you avoid potential problems before they occur.
How to Stop Birds From Building a Nest Near Your Home
Even if you adore birds, there are many reasons you might want them to stay away from certain areas around your home. For instance, when a happy bird couple begins building their new nest directly above the window ledge that just happens to be your cat's favorite resting place, they're not likely to be safe for long. Nesting birds can also be messy and territorial, so you don't want them to create a nest on your patio or your child's play structure. Besides the potential for creating a mess, bird droppings can be hazardous, carrying up to 60 diseases. So follow these tips:
Prune the Garden
Shrubs, bushes, and trees provide protective places for birds to build a nest. Trimming away some of the vegetation makes these plants less protective and sheltering options for a nest.
Create More Attractive Nesting Options
If you simply prefer the birds to choose one place over another, you might be able to tempt them with a new nesting place. For instance, to lure the birds away from your porch, provide them with a birdhouse or attractive nesting area away from your home.
Remove Food Sources
Birds nest in areas that provide them with security and easy access to food. If you have plants or birdhouses that the birds are feeding from, consider moving them until nesting season is over.
Create Barriers
If birds are getting into one particular space, you can block entries with bird netting or fences.
Block Cavity Entrances
Cavity nesting birds can find a variety of dangerous spaces (like dryer vents, pipe fittings, chimneys, or other small holes that provide access into your home.
Use Mirrors
Birds prefer quiet, undisturbed places for nesting. Hanging mirrors or other reflective surfaces creates light flashes that can deter birds from creating a home near your house.
Create Slopes
Ledges provide birds with secure nesting places where they can easily spot predators. Try sloping these ledges with a board or BirdSlide slopes designed to protect ledges from nesting birds.
How to Stop Birds From Building a Nest on Your Commercial Building
It may seem like bird nests on a commercial building are no big deal. Birds are everywhere, and your customers probably don't really notice them. Unfortunately, birds can cause problems on your commercial property, as well. Bird droppings can damage car paint and even corrode stone and metal, severely damaging your building. Nesting birds can dislodge tiles, and nesting materials in electric signs can be a fire hazard. Learning where birds are nesting on your commercial property and trying a variety of remedies can help you eliminate nesting issues before problems occur.
Common Spaces Birds Build Nests on Commercial Properties
Since birds seek security and food sources, commercial areas often provide a variety of great nesting opportunities. Even busy shopping centers offer the security of high roofing and warm electric signs. These are some of the most common spaces birds nest around commercial buildings:
- • Building ledges
- • Light fixtures
- • Warehouse rafters or building supports
- • Electric signs
- • Shipping and receiving docks
How to Stop Birds From Building a Nest on Your Business
Whether you're trying to avoid bird nests around your home or your business, it's essential to remember to use harmless methods and avoid moving nests where birds are already nesting. Most bird nests are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, which protects active nests. This means that bird nests can't be removed until after the nest is empty. Finding ways to deter nest building behavior before it begins can help you avoid all the issues that unwanted birds can bring.
Once you determine where birds are nesting on your commercial property, you can figure out the best method to avoid new nests. Keeping birds from nesting in and around your commercial building may be a little more difficult than taking care of the problem in your home. But with the right tools, it's possible. Try these tips for how to stop birds from building a nest so you can protect the property:
Put up Signs
If your customers have the opportunity to feed the birds on your property, the birds are not going to leave. Post signs to discourage people from leaving food for the birds.
Block Entrances of Semi-Enclosed Spaces
Bird netting, plastic barriers, or fences can block entry to areas where birds usually nest.
Create a Disagreeable Surface
Birds need security and a comfortable space to build a nest. Specialized products designed to deter birds without causing them harm can help you avoid nests on ledges and other areas that naturally attract nesting behaviors. Products like bird spikes, slopes, electrified tracks, and other deterrents can be used alone or in combination for complete results.
Provide Efficient Waste Removal
Trash can provide birds with easily accessed food sources. If your commercial property has outdoor trash cans or dumpsters, make sure they're covered and emptied often.
Birds are beautiful creatures that are enjoyable to watch. Still, you don't want them aggressively protecting their nest every morning as you're heading to work or destroying your business with messy nesting habits. Knowing how to stop birds from building a nest before they start is the best way to eliminate bird issues from the beginning. Bird Barrier provides a variety of options to deter birds from nesting at your home or business. Visit our website or get in touch today to learn more about the options that best fit your unique property.
About Bird Barrier
Bird Barrier is a leader in innovative technology designed to prevent birds from landing, roosting or nesting. We specialize in urban bird control to remove birds humanely and effectively. Our website,, hosts a wealth of content to help people understand and identify bird control solutions for various problems with pest birds. Please contact us if you need help with a bird related problem. You may also benefit from our free guide, Bird Deterrents: The Complete Guide.