How to Use Gridwire: Does It Work for Geese?

Posted by Bird Barrier on Dec 13, 2021 11:00:00 AM

Canada goose on a warehouse roof-1

Gridwire is a bird deterrent product that can be effective for a variety of large birds. When your customers have trouble with geese, you might be wondering if it's an effective solution. Learning more about what gridwire is, how it's installed, and the situations when it's likely to be effective for geese can help you determine whether it will be the best tool for your bird control projects. 

What Is Gridwire?

Gridwire is an exclusion bird control method used in certain situations as a deterrent for large pest birds. Formed by a series of cables in different thicknesses, gridwire can be used to protect roofs and other wide-open spaces where large birds roost and gather. Professionals can suspend gridwire in various horizontal and vertical patterns to deter large aquatic birds. You can protect lakes, parking lots, warehouse roofs, and other nesting areas from gulls, geese, and other large aquatic birds. 

Gridwire installation is typically more involved than other methods. However, it can be used in situations where other bird deterrents are likely to fail. Before choosing gridwire as the only solution, you'll generally need to have a conversation with the customer; determine why other methods will be insufficient or if specific issues will make gridwire ineffective.Gridwire-slide3

Gridwire Installation

Installing gridwire is a more extensive process than many other forms of bird control. Like most exclusion products, you'll need to tailor installation to deter specific species of birds. Installation begins by affixing bases on the roof or structure at specified intervals ranging from a few inches up to three feet. Grid spacings are site- and species-specific. 

After the bases are set in place, cables of varying thickness are tensioned in a grid over the roof. The process is best for bird control specialists with some experience with intermediate and advanced projects.

Grid Wire 1

The Dangers of Geese on Rooftops

Many people are surprised to learn that geese nest on a variety of different rooftops. Geese are migratory birds and often expand into urban areas, so nesting on warehouses, commercial buildings, and even household rooftops is fairly common.

While the idea of geese around your home or business may not seem like a big deal, there are plenty of reasons you probably won't want them hanging around. Before you consider feeding migratory geese, note these facts.

  • A single adult goose can produce up to 2 pounds of excrement each day.
  • Nesting geese are very protective and can be aggressive to people who get near their nesting area, eggs, or goslings.
  • Bird excrement can clog gutters, contaminate standing water, and cause damage to the exterior surfaces of buildings.
  • Geese feed on some roofing materials and can cause severe damage and leaks.

Federal law protects Canada geese within the United States. It is illegal to harm the eggs, nests, goslings, and adult geese without permission from the US Fish and Wild Service department. In the United States, it is not illegal to scare away Canadian Geese as long as the geese, goslings, eggs, and nests are not harmed in any way

Does Gridwire Work for Geese?

The effectiveness of gridwire on geese depends on specific factors related to your location and situation. Adult geese can easily fly over and land on roofs. Choosing them for nesting areas makes perfect sense because the altitude offers an advantage over approaching predators. Since humans are nearby, geese can also count on access to food and water. 

These conveniences make certain roofs the perfect nesting spot for practically any type of bird. Like with all bird control efforts, heavy pressure areas are more likely to be difficult to gain control of. In theory, gridwire could be the perfect solution. However, the features of your specific project will be the determining factor.

Using Gridwire on Roofs

In many areas, people use netting to keep a variety of bird species from nesting on roofs. However, snow and ice zones aren't optimal for netting because snow or ice can build up on the netting and render it ineffective. In situations like these, gridwire is a good substitute. Gridwire can deter gulls and larger birds, including geese. It can be a very effective method for geese if they're not already nesting on the roof before installation. 

Geese are very protective parents. If an active nest is already on the roof of your building, the geese are likely to try harder to get back to their young, 

This is why it's essential to address the problem as early as possible. Even when gridwire is working effectively to keep geese off your rooftop, persistent birds can occasionally break grid lines. These lines are easy to repair, making gridwire a great long-term solution for deterring geese.

Gridwire can be a very effective solution for keeping geese off building roofs and other wide-open spaces where these birds like to land, roost, and nest. But gridwire may not always be the best solution for deterring geese in every situation. Like all bird prevention methods, it's important to consider the reasons geese choose to nest on or around your building and make efforts to deter them as early as possible. 

In most cases, using a combination of methods is the most effective way to deter pest birds. This can mean utilizing visual deterrents early and advancing to exclusion methods like gridwire before geese become active nesters on your property.

Final Thoughts About Using Gridwire for Geese Control

Whether you're a pest control specialist adding bird control to your line of services or you're a full-time bird control specialist, it's crucial to have a variety of solutions in your skill set. One of the most important parts of bird control is determining the right solution for each unique situation. We also have a video dedicated to Gridwire in our "Five Things to Know" series.


While gridwire won't always be your first choice for deterring geese, it is an effective method that is worth considering in locations that experience significant amounts of snow and ice. Two other products to consider for geese. Daddi Long Legs can be used over a specific nesting area, or cover the entire roof at a lower cost that a Gridwire system. Or, Optical Gel can which can be used to treat nesting geese where smallest budget is a factor. learn more about different bird control products and training, get in touch with the bird control experts at Bird Barrier. No matter where you are in your bird control career, there is always more to learn.

About Bird Barrier

Bird Barrier is a leader in innovative technology designed to prevent birds from landing, roosting or nesting. We specialize in urban bird control to remove birds humanely and effectively. Our website,, hosts a wealth of content to help people understand and identify bird control solutions for various problems with pest birds. Please contact us if you need help with a bird related problem. You may also benefit from our free guide, Bird Deterrents: The Complete Guide.

Free Guide: Bird Deterrents - The Complete Guide

Topics/Tags/Categories: Goose Control, Goose, Pest Control Business, bird exclusion, Gridwire

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